2020/21 News Archive
These are the news items relating to the Rotary year 2020/21
Rachel Bennion from the Petrus organisation spoke at the Friends Evening on 3rd June about how the organisation has managed to perform during lockdown.
Petrus are once again having a Show Garden at the Tatton Park Flower Show from 21st July 2021. The Club has part sponsored this display and will be sending volunteers to help at the show. Rachel shared a video from the 2019 show, which can be seen here.
The Club Assembly was held on 20th May 2021, where incoming President Merrilyn Chadwick outlined her aims for the year, whilst Convenors and Officers spoke of their plans.
ADG John Shepley reported on the aims of the incoming District Governor and congratulated the Club on how it has coped during the pandemic.
More details of what the Club hopes to achieve over the next 12 months are contained in the Spring Bulletin at the top of this page.
Daniel Madeley will be representing England in the U21 Lacrosse World Championships in august 2022.
Click here to find out how the Rotary Club of Rochdale has helped him and about how Daniel is preparing for the event.
The Accessible Edibles project announce their latest
Rotary Urban Farm Planter, the U-Tube ®
For more details of potential sites and uses click here
On Thursday 3rd December 2020, the Club's 94th Charter Night was held virtually on Zoom and attended by 52 people.
District Governor Peter James-Robinson was in attendance along with guest speaker Councillor Billy Sheerin the Mayor of Rochdale.
President Neil Williams presented Vice President Merrilyn Chadwick with a Rotary Foundation Award for her fund raising efforts for the End Polio Now appeal.
Immediate Past President Ravi Sharma awarded Paul Harris Fellowships to International Convenor John Holder and Secretary Bob Chadwick in recognition of their service to the Club.
To celebrate World Polio Day, President Neil Williams lead a team planting crocus bulbs across the borough.
Hopefully 8,000 purple crocuses will bloom in the Spring to remind people just how close the worldwide eradication of Polio is.
More details can be found on our End Polio Now page
On Thursday 15th October, the Club held its annual frugal meal in aid of Mary's Meals. Meeting via Zoom, instead of the usual meal of broth, members were encouraged to make themselves a bowl of porridge in recognition of World Porridge Day. There was a mixture of hot and cold dishes, all of which looked quite tasty.
With it costing just £15.90 to feed a child for a full school year members and friends were asked to make an equivalent donation to help Mary's Meals continue their much needed work during the Covid 19 pandemic.
A week later £555 had been collected, enough to feed a class of 35 children.
To find out more about the work of Mary's Meals, click the logo above this article.
You can be a part of continuing that celebration on World Polio Day on 24th October for a special live event from Rotary GB&I.
Join us on our polio journey, sit back in the comfort of your home and enjoy a free online celebration of the truly amazing and lifesaving achievements so far with short stories from young and not so young, snapshots of polio activities, tributes, music and lots more.
Date: 24th October 2020
Time: 5.30 - 6.45pm
Streamed live on Rotary GB&I YouTube Channel
Tickets: Free from our official Eventbrite page
Click the picture below to book your free tickets.
Click here to view the latest video from the Hearing Ambassadors 'Making the Most of Video Conferencing'
The Hearing Ambassadors spoke to the Club about their aims to ensure to ensure that people with mild to severe hearing loss are supported and included in community activities.
Watch their presentation by clicking on the link below and entering the Passcode. (You will need to have Zoom on your viewing device)
https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/rrfah4Df9grGaI-edV09e59BEnBwRnuA63LDal8SB7XLPLNyIwQX-urHUBG7slX5.MjSri7eQPCVx2m1W Passcode: 5e#5Yk3+
On Tuesday 25th August 2020, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Africa region, has officially been certified free from wild poliovirus, signifying a major milestone in the battle to eradicate the disease worldwide.
This certification has come four years after Nigeria, the last polio-endemic country in Africa, recorded its final case of wild polio and is an incredible public health achievement for Rotary members, the African region, and Rotary’s partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI).
This progress is the result of a decades-long effort across the 47 countries which make up the WHO’s African region and now means that five of the six WHO regions, which represent 90% of the world’s population, will be free of polio.
More information can be found here.
The Accessible Edibles website has been translated into Swahili by Sophia Nkatha Gitonga, a member of the Rotary Club of Nithi, Kenya. This was funded by the Diva Rotary Club of Chester, with special thanks to their member Stanley Fielding PHF - Past President of The Rotary Club of Rochdale.
John Brooker PHF Member of the Middleton Rotary Club facilitated the translation.
Accessible Edibles is a project of the Rotary Club of Rochdale, and its website can be viewed here.
Gemma Johnson from Helen O'Grady Organisation will be attending the Friends Evening on 6th August 2020 to explain the Year 6 Transition Project she is working on in conjunction with the Club.
The Presidential Handover meeting was conducted online on Thursday 2nd July 2020 in front of 28 Members and Friends. Neil Williams was installed as President, Merrilyn Chadwick Vice-President and Selwyn Hodge as President Nominee.
The 2021 Classic Car and Bike Show will be held on Sunday 18th July in Falinge Park, Rochdale. Click the logo above for more details.
Assistant District Governor, John Shepley, attended the Club Assembly on Thursday 25th June using the power of Zoom. Incoming President Neil Williams and the Club's officers set out their plans for the Rotary year ahead.
The Annual General Meeting was held on Thursday 18th June via the Zoom software.
​The Club held its first full meeting using the Zoom software on Thursday 11th June. 23 members attended and updated each other on their time during the lockdown.