Rochdale Children's Moorland Home
The Rochdale Children’s Moorland Home charity was established back in 1894 with the objective of “the provision and maintenance of a holiday home for children who are in conditions of need or distress”. They still honour that original objective by providing children from deserving families with a holiday in our beautiful setting at Nab Farm.
Rochdale Children’s Home operates between March and September. It is a non-profit making charity and is free to users; however, they do encourage and accept donations and contributions from those that use the service.
The charity has two distinct functions in providing services and facilities for school children during term time and for children referred to us by children’s social care, schools and community groups, during school holiday periods.
Local schools make requests and book the facilities of the home and bring children from Monday to Friday. The week can be split up into day or overnight stays or a combination of the both. They can accommodate up to 30 people on a daily basis and 18 people for overnight stays using our dormitories. Throughout the week the school are responsible and accountable for arranging and providing all activities and support for the children.
Children are referred for a week’s holiday by children’s social care, schools and community groups. On average 12 children are accommodated between Monday to Friday with all activities, outings and support provided by Alison and her team of professional child care staff and students and Duke of Edinburgh volunteers. This period provides an excellent opportunity for the children to improve and develop their social skills and also an opportunity for both children, their carers and parents to have some respite time. Quite often this is the only opportunity that these children have for a holiday.
They continually strive to improve the facilities and services of the home for the benefit of the local children we serve and do not receive any statutory funding. They are therefore, reliant on the generosity of individuals, organisations and charitable trusts along with bequests and donations from those that use our services.
The operational team who run the home are all accredited professionals and passionate about providing the very best care and environment for the children. They like to promote and get back to the simple principles of providing good food, fresh air and good fun. All of the children’s needs are catered for including any special dietary requirements and medicinal routines – within certain parameters.
The Rotary Club of Rochdale has supported RCMH several times throughout our 95 years. Last year President Neil Williams donated £5,000 towards the rewiring of the whole building, a project taking place during Autumn 2021. President Merrilyn Chadwick is continuing this support to help have the Home ready to receive its residents in Spring 2022.
A donation to the Club was received in June 2023, with the proviso that it be used to help RCMH. So incoming President, Linda Mainwaring, introduced RCMH to Fireground and arranged for them to visit on a weekly basis with their residents. The donation meant that each of the six visits, including transport, was at zero cost to RCMH.
A further £1,000 was donated in June 2024 to help with their summer programme.